Thomas Melchior
aka Melchior Productions | perlon
Ion Ludwig LIVE | ugould
Pur Sang LIVE | deep down
Rick Baguette | we are various
tickets €8 early / €10 regular inc fee.
Due to the last 2,5 years of Covid, this is one of those nights we needed to move so many times.
Ion Ludwig his dates have changed so many times but now finally we are pleased to re re re-announce his return to Ampere with an amazing brand new live set. As known for his hypnotic long organic tribal-driven live sets, you can expect a 3-hour live journey through the magical world of Ion Ludwig.
For this special occasion, we have Perlon’s own Thomas Melchior aka Melchior Productions as our special guest. Experience is the best teacher, and within the tight confines of minimal house music, this is truer than anywhere. Thomas Melchior cut his teeth in the early days of labels like Trelik and Playhouse, and remains one of the sound’s most important artists. Based in Berlin as part of the tight-knit Perlon label, he’s part of a small circle of DJs that have been earning their stripes in the city since the late 90s. 20 years into his career, it shows why he’s one of Perlon’s best assets.
Hailing from Antwerp is the deep down label founded by Delbaen and Veebo who together are Pur Sang.
For those who know and remember their amazing live set at Ampere Open Ai, Get ready for some Antwerp minimal funk.
A great night also needs a great opener and with the upcoming rising star of Rick Baguette we think we found just the right man for the job.
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music”
Get ready to go Deep Down at Ampere.
bring a €2 coin for the lockers
Covid Safe Ticket regulations apply
We stand united against all forms of racism, bigotry, sexism and violence. Let’s enjoy the night with solidarity, respect & love.