Jacques André, Irene de Andrés, Cory Arcangel, George Barber, Jef Cornelis, Jeremy Deller, Denicolai & Provoost, Rineke Dijkstra, Aleksandra Domanović, Andreas Gursky, Dan Halter, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Ann Veronica Janssens, Martin Kersels, Mark Leckey, Daniel Pflumm, Matt Stokes, Sergey Shutov, The Otolith Group, Walter Van Beirendonck

Energy Flash – De rave-beweging is de eerste museumtentoonstelling die het rave-fenomeen behandelt, evenals de sociale, politieke, economische en technologische omstandigheden die leidden tot de komst van rave als een alternatieve beweging over heel Europa. Als interdisciplinair project presenteert Energy Flash het werk van beeldend kunstenaars in dialoog met tal van artefacten uit design, literatuur en muziek, naast items uit diverse persoonlijke archieven, tv-documentaires en wetgeving.

Energy Flash – The Rave Movement is the first museum exhibition for considering the rave phenomenon, as well as the social, political, economic and technological conditions that led to the advent of rave as an alternative movement across Europe. As an interdisciplinary project, Energy Flash presents the work of visual artists in dialogue with many artefacts from the fields of design, literature and music, along with items from various personal archives, television documentaries and legislation.

Energy Flash – Le mouvement rave est la première exposition muséale à étudier le phénomène des raves, ainsi que les conditions politiques, sociales et technologiques qui ont mené à son avènement en tant que mouvement alternatif à travers l’Europe. En tant que projet interdisciplinaire, Energy Flash présente des œuvres d’artistes plasticiens en dialogue avec différents artefacts du domaine du design, de la littérature et de la musique, ainsi que de pièces provenant de diverses archives personnelles, de documentaires télévisés et d’assemblées législatives.

Gecureerd door / curated by / organisée par Nav Haq, Senior Curator, M HKA

The accompanying publication titled RAVE: Rave and Its Influence on Art and Culture will be co-published by M HKA and Black Dog in June. Including contributions from Irene de Andrés, Jeremy DellerKodwo Eshun, Mark Fisher, Nav Haq, Walter Van Beirendonck, Renaat Vendepapeliere andWolfgang Voigt. Edited by Nav Haq.

In partnership with Ampere and CAHF (Contemporary Art Heritage Flanders) the Energy Flash programme will be realized.

Energy Flash has been made possible with the kind support of adidas.

This exhibition is realised with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, theMondriaan FundAcción Cultural Española (AC/E) and Turnlab.

Energy Flash – The Rave Movement is organised by M HKA within the framework of “The Uses of Art”, a project by the European museum confederation L’Internationale. L’Internationale proposes a space for art within a non-hierarchical and decentralised internationalism, based on the value of difference and horizontal exchange among a constellation of cultural agents, locally rooted and globally connected. Comprising six major European museums: Moderna Galerija (MG, Ljubljana, Slovenia); Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS, Madrid, Spain); Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona(MACBA, Barcelona, Spain); Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium); SALT(Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey) and Van Abbemuseum (VAM, Eindhoven, the Netherlands) and associate organisations from the academic and artistic fields.