As we prepare to jump into the new year, we’d like to take the time to look back on 2022. We re-opened in October 2021, after many months of hopelessness. The ride only lasted two months. In December, we were forced once more to close our doors. Club culture took a big blow, a domino effect applied to the entire chain, dealing with uncertainty is now part of our every day lives.
But we bounced back, with yesterday’s lessons, today’s challenges and tomorrow’s expectations. That’s why it is important to be grateful and take the time to thank everyone who supported us, worked with us, trusted us, and believed in us.
To our staff, thank you for your commitment, your passion and your smiles. To our partners, thank you for the continuing support and may it continue. To local and international promoters, thank you for understanding the post-corona challenges we faced, and may we continue to work together. Thank you to all the other actors operating in the shadows, light and sound technicians, cleaning staff, security staff, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, stage managers…